सामग्री पर जाएँ
मुख्य मेन्यू
मुख्य मेन्यू
साइडबार पर जाएँ
हाल में हुए बदलाव
बेतरतीब पृष्ठ
मीडियाविकि के बारे में सहायता
खाता बनाएँ
लॉग-इन करें
व्यक्तिगत उपकरण
खाता बनाएँ
लॉग-इन करें
लॉग-आउट किए गए संपादकों के लिए पृष्ठ
अधिक जानें
स्रोत सम्पादित करें
इतिहास देखें
साइडबार पर जाएँ
स्रोत सम्पादित करें
इतिहास देखें
पृष्ठ से जुड़े बदलाव
विशेष पृष्ठ
पृष्ठ की जानकारी
साइडबार पर जाएँ
आपने लॉग-इन नहीं किया है। अगर आप सम्पादन करते हैं तो इस पृष्ठ के संपादन इतिहास में आपका IP पता दृश्य होगा। अगर आप
करते हैं या
खाता बनाते हैं
तो दूसरे सुविधाओं के साथ-साथ आपके संपादनों का श्रेय आपके सदस्यनाम पर दिया जाएगा।
ऐन्टी-स्पैम जाँच। इसे
require('strict') local p = {} local cfg = mw.loadData('Module:Navbox/configuration') local inArray = require("Module:TableTools").inArray local getArgs -- lazily initialized local hiding_templatestyles = {} -- global passthrough variables local passthrough = { [cfg.arg.above]=true,[cfg.arg.aboveclass]=true,[cfg.arg.abovestyle]=true, [cfg.arg.basestyle]=true, [cfg.arg.below]=true,[cfg.arg.belowclass]=true,[cfg.arg.belowstyle]=true, [cfg.arg.bodyclass]=true, [cfg.arg.groupclass]=true, [cfg.arg.image]=true,[cfg.arg.imageclass]=true,[cfg.arg.imagestyle]=true, [cfg.arg.imageleft]=true,[cfg.arg.imageleftstyle]=true, [cfg.arg.listclass]=true, [cfg.arg.name]=true, [cfg.arg.navbar]=true, [cfg.arg.state]=true, [cfg.arg.title]=true,[cfg.arg.titleclass]=true,[cfg.arg.titlestyle]=true, argHash=true } -- helper functions local andnum = function(s, n) return string.format(cfg.arg[s .. '_and_num'], n) end local isblank = function(v) return (v or '') == '' end local function concatstrings(s) local r = table.concat(s, '') if r:match('^%s*$') then return nil end return r end local function concatstyles(s) local r = '' for _, v in ipairs(s) do v = mw.text.trim(v, "%s;") if not isblank(v) then r = r .. v .. ';' end end if isblank(r) then return nil end return r end local function getSubgroup(args, listnum, listText, prefix) local subArgs = { [cfg.arg.border] = cfg.keyword.border_subgroup, [cfg.arg.navbar] = cfg.keyword.navbar_plain, argHash = 0 } local hasSubArgs = false local subgroups_and_num = prefix and {prefix} or cfg.arg.subgroups_and_num for k, v in pairs(args) do k = tostring(k) for _, w in ipairs(subgroups_and_num) do w = string.format(w, listnum) .. "_" if (#k > #w) and (k:sub(1, #w) == w) then subArgs[k:sub(#w + 1)] = v hasSubArgs = true subArgs.argHash = subArgs.argHash + (v and #v or 0) end end end return hasSubArgs and p._navbox(subArgs) or listText end -- Main functions function p._navbox(args) if args.type == cfg.keyword.with_collapsible_groups then return p._withCollapsibleGroups(args) elseif args.type == cfg.keyword.with_columns then return p._withColumns(args) end local function striped(wikitext, border) -- Return wikitext with markers replaced for odd/even striping. -- Child (subgroup) navboxes are flagged with a category that is removed -- by parent navboxes. The result is that the category shows all pages -- where a child navbox is not contained in a parent navbox. local orphanCat = cfg.category.orphan if border == cfg.keyword.border_subgroup and args[cfg.arg.orphan] ~= cfg.keyword.orphan_yes then -- No change; striping occurs in outermost navbox. return wikitext .. orphanCat end local first, second = cfg.class.navbox_odd_part, cfg.class.navbox_even_part if args[cfg.arg.evenodd] then if args[cfg.arg.evenodd] == cfg.keyword.evenodd_swap then first, second = second, first else first = args[cfg.arg.evenodd] second = first end end local changer if first == second then changer = first else local index = 0 changer = function (code) if code == '0' then -- Current occurrence is for a group before a nested table. -- Set it to first as a valid although pointless class. -- The next occurrence will be the first row after a title -- in a subgroup and will also be first. index = 0 return first end index = index + 1 return index % 2 == 1 and first or second end end local regex = orphanCat:gsub('([%[%]])', '%%%1') return (wikitext:gsub(regex, ''):gsub(cfg.marker.regex, changer)) -- () omits gsub count end local function processItem(item, nowrapitems) if item:sub(1, 2) == '{|' then -- Applying nowrap to lines in a table does not make sense. -- Add newlines to compensate for trim of x in |parm=x in a template. return '\n' .. item .. '\n' end if nowrapitems == cfg.keyword.nowrapitems_yes then local lines = {} for line in (item .. '\n'):gmatch('([^\n]*)\n') do local prefix, content = line:match('^([*:;#]+)%s*(.*)') if prefix and not content:match(cfg.pattern.nowrap) then line = string.format(cfg.nowrap_item, prefix, content) end table.insert(lines, line) end item = table.concat(lines, '\n') end if item:match('^[*:;#]') then return '\n' .. item .. '\n' end return item end local function has_navbar() return args[cfg.arg.navbar] ~= cfg.keyword.navbar_off and args[cfg.arg.navbar] ~= cfg.keyword.navbar_plain and ( args[cfg.arg.name] or mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent():getTitle():gsub(cfg.pattern.sandbox, '') ~= cfg.pattern.navbox ) end -- extract text color from css, which is the only permitted inline CSS for the navbar local function extract_color(css_str) -- return nil because navbar takes its argument into mw.html which handles -- nil gracefully, removing the associated style attribute return mw.ustring.match(';' .. css_str .. ';', '.*;%s*([Cc][Oo][Ll][Oo][Rr]%s*:%s*.-)%s*;') or nil end local function renderNavBar(titleCell) if has_navbar() then local navbar = require('Module:Navbar')._navbar titleCell:wikitext(navbar{ [cfg.navbar.name] = args[cfg.arg.name], [cfg.navbar.mini] = 1, [cfg.navbar.fontstyle] = extract_color( (args[cfg.arg.basestyle] or '') .. ';' .. (args[cfg.arg.titlestyle] or '') ) }) end end local function renderTitleRow(tbl) if not args[cfg.arg.title] then return end local titleRow = tbl:tag('tr') local titleCell = titleRow:tag('th'):attr('scope', 'col') local titleColspan = 2 if args[cfg.arg.imageleft] then titleColspan = titleColspan + 1 end if args[cfg.arg.image] then titleColspan = titleColspan + 1 end titleCell :cssText(args[cfg.arg.basestyle]) :cssText(args[cfg.arg.titlestyle]) :addClass(cfg.class.navbox_title) :attr('colspan', titleColspan) renderNavBar(titleCell) titleCell :tag('div') -- id for aria-labelledby attribute :attr('id', mw.uri.anchorEncode(args[cfg.arg.title]) .. args.argHash) :addClass(args[cfg.arg.titleclass]) :css('font-size', '114%') :css('margin', '0 4em') :wikitext(processItem(args[cfg.arg.title])) end local function getAboveBelowColspan() local ret = 2 if args[cfg.arg.imageleft] then ret = ret + 1 end if args[cfg.arg.image] then ret = ret + 1 end return ret end local function renderAboveRow(tbl) if not args[cfg.arg.above] then return end tbl:tag('tr') :tag('td') :addClass(cfg.class.navbox_abovebelow) :addClass(args[cfg.arg.aboveclass]) :cssText(args[cfg.arg.basestyle]) :cssText(args[cfg.arg.abovestyle]) :attr('colspan', getAboveBelowColspan()) :tag('div') -- id for aria-labelledby attribute, if no title :attr('id', (not args[cfg.arg.title]) and (mw.uri.anchorEncode(args[cfg.arg.above]) .. args.argHash) or nil) :wikitext(processItem(args[cfg.arg.above], args[cfg.arg.nowrapitems])) end local function renderBelowRow(tbl) if not args[cfg.arg.below] then return end tbl:tag('tr') :tag('td') :addClass(cfg.class.navbox_abovebelow) :addClass(args[cfg.arg.belowclass]) :cssText(args[cfg.arg.basestyle]) :cssText(args[cfg.arg.belowstyle]) :attr('colspan', getAboveBelowColspan()) :tag('div') :wikitext(processItem(args[cfg.arg.below], args[cfg.arg.nowrapitems])) end local function renderListRow(tbl, index, listnum, listnums_size) local row = tbl:tag('tr') if index == 1 and args[cfg.arg.imageleft] then row :tag('td') :addClass(cfg.class.noviewer) :addClass(cfg.class.navbox_image) :addClass(args[cfg.arg.imageclass]) :css('width', '1px') -- Minimize width :css('padding', '0 2px 0 0') :cssText(args[cfg.arg.imageleftstyle]) :attr('rowspan', listnums_size) :tag('div') :wikitext(processItem(args[cfg.arg.imageleft])) end local group_and_num = andnum('group', listnum) local groupstyle_and_num = andnum('groupstyle', listnum) if args[group_and_num] then local groupCell = row:tag('th') -- id for aria-labelledby attribute, if lone group with no title or above if listnum == 1 and not (args[cfg.arg.title] or args[cfg.arg.above] or args[cfg.arg.group2]) then groupCell :attr('id', mw.uri.anchorEncode(args[cfg.arg.group1]) .. args.argHash) end groupCell :attr('scope', 'row') :addClass(cfg.class.navbox_group) :addClass(args[cfg.arg.groupclass]) :cssText(args[cfg.arg.basestyle]) -- If groupwidth not specified, minimize width :css('width', args[cfg.arg.groupwidth] or '1%') groupCell :cssText(args[cfg.arg.groupstyle]) :cssText(args[groupstyle_and_num]) :wikitext(args[group_and_num]) end local listCell = row:tag('td') if args[group_and_num] then listCell :addClass(cfg.class.navbox_list_with_group) else listCell:attr('colspan', 2) end if not args[cfg.arg.groupwidth] then listCell:css('width', '100%') end local rowstyle -- usually nil so cssText(rowstyle) usually adds nothing if index % 2 == 1 then rowstyle = args[cfg.arg.oddstyle] else rowstyle = args[cfg.arg.evenstyle] end local list_and_num = andnum('list', listnum) local listText = inArray(cfg.keyword.subgroups, args[list_and_num]) and getSubgroup(args, listnum, args[list_and_num]) or args[list_and_num] local oddEven = cfg.marker.oddeven if listText:sub(1, 12) == '</div><table' then -- Assume list text is for a subgroup navbox so no automatic striping for this row. oddEven = listText:find(cfg.pattern.navbox_title) and cfg.marker.restart or cfg.class.navbox_odd_part end local liststyle_and_num = andnum('liststyle', listnum) local listclass_and_num = andnum('listclass', listnum) listCell :css('padding', '0') :cssText(args[cfg.arg.liststyle]) :cssText(rowstyle) :cssText(args[liststyle_and_num]) :addClass(cfg.class.navbox_list) :addClass(cfg.class.navbox_part .. oddEven) :addClass(args[cfg.arg.listclass]) :addClass(args[listclass_and_num]) :tag('div') :css('padding', (index == 1 and args[cfg.arg.list1padding]) or args[cfg.arg.listpadding] or '0 0.25em' ) :wikitext(processItem(listText, args[cfg.arg.nowrapitems])) if index == 1 and args[cfg.arg.image] then row :tag('td') :addClass(cfg.class.noviewer) :addClass(cfg.class.navbox_image) :addClass(args[cfg.arg.imageclass]) :css('width', '1px') -- Minimize width :css('padding', '0 0 0 2px') :cssText(args[cfg.arg.imagestyle]) :attr('rowspan', listnums_size) :tag('div') :wikitext(processItem(args[cfg.arg.image])) end end local function has_list_class(htmlclass) local patterns = { '^' .. htmlclass .. '$', '%s' .. htmlclass .. '$', '^' .. htmlclass .. '%s', '%s' .. htmlclass .. '%s' } for arg, _ in pairs(args) do if type(arg) == 'string' and mw.ustring.find(arg, cfg.pattern.class) then for _, pattern in ipairs(patterns) do if mw.ustring.find(args[arg] or '', pattern) then return true end end end end return false end -- there are a lot of list classes in the wild, so we add their TemplateStyles local function add_list_styles() local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() local function add_list_templatestyles(htmlclass, templatestyles) if has_list_class(htmlclass) then return frame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = templatestyles } } else return '' end end local hlist_styles = add_list_templatestyles('hlist', cfg.hlist_templatestyles) local plainlist_styles = add_list_templatestyles('plainlist', cfg.plainlist_templatestyles) -- a second workaround for [[phab:T303378]] -- when that issue is fixed, we can actually use has_navbar not to emit the -- tag here if we want if has_navbar() and hlist_styles == '' then hlist_styles = frame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = cfg.hlist_templatestyles } } end -- hlist -> plainlist is best-effort to preserve old Common.css ordering. -- this ordering is not a guarantee because most navboxes will emit only -- one of these classes [hlist_note] return hlist_styles .. plainlist_styles end local function needsHorizontalLists(border) if border == cfg.keyword.border_subgroup or args[cfg.arg.tracking] == cfg.keyword.tracking_no then return false end return not has_list_class(cfg.pattern.hlist) and not has_list_class(cfg.pattern.plainlist) end local function hasBackgroundColors() for _, key in ipairs({cfg.arg.titlestyle, cfg.arg.groupstyle, cfg.arg.basestyle, cfg.arg.abovestyle, cfg.arg.belowstyle}) do if tostring(args[key]):find('background', 1, true) then return true end end return false end local function hasBorders() for _, key in ipairs({cfg.arg.groupstyle, cfg.arg.basestyle, cfg.arg.abovestyle, cfg.arg.belowstyle}) do if tostring(args[key]):find('border', 1, true) then return true end end return false end local function isIllegible() local styleratio = require('Module:Color contrast')._styleratio for key, style in pairs(args) do if tostring(key):match(cfg.pattern.style) then if styleratio{mw.text.unstripNoWiki(style)} < 4.5 then return true end end end return false end local function getTrackingCategories(border) local cats = {} if needsHorizontalLists(border) then table.insert(cats, cfg.category.horizontal_lists) end if hasBackgroundColors() then table.insert(cats, cfg.category.background_colors) end if isIllegible() then table.insert(cats, cfg.category.illegible) end if hasBorders() then table.insert(cats, cfg.category.borders) end return cats end local function renderTrackingCategories(builder, border) local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() if title.namespace ~= 10 then return end -- not in template space local subpage = title.subpageText if subpage == cfg.keyword.subpage_doc or subpage == cfg.keyword.subpage_sandbox or subpage == cfg.keyword.subpage_testcases then return end for _, cat in ipairs(getTrackingCategories(border)) do builder:wikitext('[[Category:' .. cat .. ']]') end end local function renderMainTable(border, listnums) local tbl = mw.html.create('table') :addClass(cfg.class.nowraplinks) :addClass(args[cfg.arg.bodyclass]) local state = args[cfg.arg.state] if args[cfg.arg.title] and state ~= cfg.keyword.state_plain and state ~= cfg.keyword.state_off then if state == cfg.keyword.state_collapsed then state = cfg.class.collapsed end tbl :addClass(cfg.class.collapsible) :addClass(state or cfg.class.autocollapse) end tbl:css('border-spacing', 0) if border == cfg.keyword.border_subgroup or border == cfg.keyword.border_none then tbl :addClass(cfg.class.navbox_subgroup) :cssText(args[cfg.arg.bodystyle]) :cssText(args[cfg.arg.style]) else -- regular navbox - bodystyle and style will be applied to the wrapper table tbl :addClass(cfg.class.navbox_inner) :css('background', 'transparent') :css('color', 'inherit') end tbl:cssText(args[cfg.arg.innerstyle]) renderTitleRow(tbl) renderAboveRow(tbl) local listnums_size = #listnums for i, listnum in ipairs(listnums) do renderListRow(tbl, i, listnum, listnums_size) end renderBelowRow(tbl) return tbl end local function add_navbox_styles(hiding_templatestyles) local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() -- This is a lambda so that it doesn't need the frame as a parameter local function add_user_styles(templatestyles) if not isblank(templatestyles) then return frame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = templatestyles } } end return '' end -- get templatestyles. load base from config so that Lua only needs to do -- the work once of parser tag expansion local base_templatestyles = cfg.templatestyles local templatestyles = add_user_styles(args[cfg.arg.templatestyles]) local child_templatestyles = add_user_styles(args[cfg.arg.child_templatestyles]) -- The 'navbox-styles' div exists to wrap the styles to work around T200206 -- more elegantly. Instead of combinatorial rules, this ends up being linear -- number of CSS rules. return mw.html.create('div') :addClass(cfg.class.navbox_styles) :wikitext( add_list_styles() .. -- see [hlist_note] applied to 'before base_templatestyles' base_templatestyles .. templatestyles .. child_templatestyles .. table.concat(hiding_templatestyles) ) :done() end -- work around [[phab:T303378]] -- for each arg: find all the templatestyles strip markers, insert them into a -- table. then remove all templatestyles markers from the arg local strip_marker_pattern = '(\127[^\127]*UNIQ%-%-templatestyles%-%x+%-QINU[^\127]*\127)' local argHash = 0 for k, arg in pairs(args) do if type(arg) == 'string' then for marker in string.gfind(arg, strip_marker_pattern) do table.insert(hiding_templatestyles, marker) end argHash = argHash + #arg args[k] = string.gsub(arg, strip_marker_pattern, '') end end if not args.argHash then args.argHash = argHash end local listnums = {} for k, _ in pairs(args) do if type(k) == 'string' then local listnum = k:match(cfg.pattern.listnum) if listnum and args[andnum('list', tonumber(listnum))] then table.insert(listnums, tonumber(listnum)) end end end table.sort(listnums) local border = mw.text.trim(args[cfg.arg.border] or args[1] or '') if border == cfg.keyword.border_child then border = cfg.keyword.border_subgroup end -- render the main body of the navbox local tbl = renderMainTable(border, listnums) local res = mw.html.create() -- render the appropriate wrapper for the navbox, based on the border param if border == cfg.keyword.border_none then res:node(add_navbox_styles(hiding_templatestyles)) local nav = res:tag('div') :attr('role', 'navigation') :node(tbl) -- aria-labelledby title, otherwise above, otherwise lone group if args[cfg.arg.title] or args[cfg.arg.above] or (args[cfg.arg.group1] and not args[cfg.arg.group2]) then nav:attr( 'aria-labelledby', mw.uri.anchorEncode( args[cfg.arg.title] or args[cfg.arg.above] or args[cfg.arg.group1] ) .. args.argHash ) else nav:attr('aria-label', cfg.aria_label) end elseif border == cfg.keyword.border_subgroup then -- We assume that this navbox is being rendered in a list cell of a -- parent navbox, and is therefore inside a div with padding:0em 0.25em. -- We start with a </div> to avoid the padding being applied, and at the -- end add a <div> to balance out the parent's </div> res :wikitext('</div>') :node(tbl) :wikitext('<div>') else res:node(add_navbox_styles(hiding_templatestyles)) local nav = res:tag('div') :attr('role', 'navigation') :addClass(cfg.class.navbox) :addClass(args[cfg.arg.navboxclass]) :cssText(args[cfg.arg.bodystyle]) :cssText(args[cfg.arg.style]) :css('padding', '3px') :node(tbl) -- aria-labelledby title, otherwise above, otherwise lone group if args[cfg.arg.title] or args[cfg.arg.above] or (args[cfg.arg.group1] and not args[cfg.arg.group2]) then nav:attr( 'aria-labelledby', mw.uri.anchorEncode( args[cfg.arg.title] or args[cfg.arg.above] or args[cfg.arg.group1] ) .. args.argHash ) else nav:attr('aria-label', cfg.aria_label .. args.argHash) end end if (args[cfg.arg.nocat] or cfg.keyword.nocat_false):lower() == cfg.keyword.nocat_false then renderTrackingCategories(res, border) end return striped(tostring(res), border) end --p._navbox function p._withCollapsibleGroups(pargs) -- table for args passed to navbox local targs = {} -- process args local passthroughLocal = { [cfg.arg.bodystyle] = true, [cfg.arg.border] = true, [cfg.arg.style] = true, } for k,v in pairs(pargs) do if k and type(k) == 'string' then if passthrough[k] or passthroughLocal[k] then targs[k] = v elseif (k:match(cfg.pattern.num)) then local n = k:match(cfg.pattern.num) local list_and_num = andnum('list', n) if ((k:match(cfg.pattern.listnum) or k:match(cfg.pattern.contentnum)) and targs[list_and_num] == nil and pargs[andnum('group', n)] == nil and pargs[andnum('sect', n)] == nil and pargs[andnum('section', n)] == nil) then targs[list_and_num] = concatstrings({ pargs[list_and_num] or '', pargs[andnum('content', n)] or '' }) if (targs[list_and_num] and inArray(cfg.keyword.subgroups, targs[list_and_num])) then targs[list_and_num] = getSubgroup(pargs, n, targs[list_and_num]) end elseif ((k:match(cfg.pattern.groupnum) or k:match(cfg.pattern.sectnum) or k:match(cfg.pattern.sectionnum)) and targs[list_and_num] == nil) then local titlestyle = concatstyles({ pargs[cfg.arg.groupstyle] or '', pargs[cfg.arg.secttitlestyle] or '', pargs[andnum('groupstyle', n)] or '', pargs[andnum('sectiontitlestyle', n)] or '' }) local liststyle = concatstyles({ pargs[cfg.arg.liststyle] or '', pargs[cfg.arg.contentstyle] or '', pargs[andnum('liststyle', n)] or '', pargs[andnum('contentstyle', n)] or '' }) local title = concatstrings({ pargs[andnum('group', n)] or '', pargs[andnum('sect', n)] or '', pargs[andnum('section', n)] or '' }) local list = concatstrings({ pargs[list_and_num] or '', pargs[andnum('content', n)] or '' }) if list and inArray(cfg.keyword.subgroups, list) then list = getSubgroup(pargs, n, list) end local abbr_and_num = andnum('abbr', n) local state = (pargs[abbr_and_num] and pargs[abbr_and_num] == pargs[cfg.arg.selected]) and cfg.keyword.state_uncollapsed or (pargs[andnum('state', n)] or cfg.keyword.state_collapsed) targs[list_and_num] =p._navbox({ cfg.keyword.border_child, [cfg.arg.navbar] = cfg.keyword.navbar_plain, [cfg.arg.state] = state, [cfg.arg.basestyle] = pargs[cfg.arg.basestyle], [cfg.arg.title] = title, [cfg.arg.titlestyle] = titlestyle, [andnum('list', 1)] = list, [cfg.arg.liststyle] = liststyle, [cfg.arg.listclass] = pargs[andnum('listclass', n)], [cfg.arg.image] = pargs[andnum('image', n)], [cfg.arg.imageleft] = pargs[andnum('imageleft', n)], [cfg.arg.listpadding] = pargs[cfg.arg.listpadding], argHash = pargs.argHash }) end end end end -- ordering of style and bodystyle targs[cfg.arg.style] = concatstyles({targs[cfg.arg.style] or '', targs[cfg.arg.bodystyle] or ''}) targs[cfg.arg.bodystyle] = nil -- child or subgroup if targs[cfg.arg.border] == nil then targs[cfg.arg.border] = pargs[1] end return p._navbox(targs) end --p._withCollapsibleGroups function p._withColumns(pargs) -- table for args passed to navbox local targs = {} -- tables of column numbers local colheadernums = {} local colnums = {} local colfooternums = {} -- process args local passthroughLocal = { [cfg.arg.evenstyle]=true, [cfg.arg.groupstyle]=true, [cfg.arg.liststyle]=true, [cfg.arg.oddstyle]=true, [cfg.arg.state]=true, } for k,v in pairs(pargs) do if passthrough[k] or passthroughLocal[k] then targs[k] = v elseif type(k) == 'string' then if k:match(cfg.pattern.listnum) then local n = k:match(cfg.pattern.listnum) targs[andnum('liststyle', n + 2)] = pargs[andnum('liststyle', n)] targs[andnum('group', n + 2)] = pargs[andnum('group', n)] targs[andnum('groupstyle', n + 2)] = pargs[andnum('groupstyle', n)] if v and inArray(cfg.keyword.subgroups, v) then targs[andnum('list', n + 2)] = getSubgroup(pargs, n, v) else targs[andnum('list', n + 2)] = v end elseif (k:match(cfg.pattern.colheadernum) and v ~= '') then table.insert(colheadernums, tonumber(k:match(cfg.pattern.colheadernum))) elseif (k:match(cfg.pattern.colnum) and v ~= '') then table.insert(colnums, tonumber(k:match(cfg.pattern.colnum))) elseif (k:match(cfg.pattern.colfooternum) and v ~= '') then table.insert(colfooternums, tonumber(k:match(cfg.pattern.colfooternum))) end end end table.sort(colheadernums) table.sort(colnums) table.sort(colfooternums) -- HTML table for list1 local coltable = mw.html.create( 'table' ):addClass('navbox-columns-table') local row, col local tablestyle = ( (#colheadernums > 0) or (not isblank(pargs[cfg.arg.fullwidth])) ) and 'width:100%' or 'width:auto; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto' coltable:cssText(concatstyles({ 'border-spacing: 0px; text-align:left', tablestyle, pargs[cfg.arg.coltablestyle] or '' })) --- Header row --- if (#colheadernums > 0) then row = coltable:tag('tr') for k, n in ipairs(colheadernums) do col = row:tag('td'):addClass('navbox-abovebelow') col:cssText(concatstyles({ (k > 1) and 'border-left:2px solid #fdfdfd' or '', 'font-weight:bold', pargs[cfg.arg.colheaderstyle] or '', pargs[andnum('colheaderstyle', n)] or '' })) col:attr('colspan', tonumber(pargs[andnum('colheadercolspan', n)])) col:wikitext(pargs[andnum('colheader', n)]) end end --- Main columns --- row = coltable:tag('tr'):css('vertical-align', 'top') for k, n in ipairs(colnums) do if k == 1 and isblank(pargs[andnum('colheader', 1)]) and isblank(pargs[andnum('colfooter', 1)]) and isblank(pargs[cfg.arg.fullwidth]) then local nopad = inArray( {'off', '0', '0em', '0px'}, mw.ustring.gsub(pargs[cfg.arg.padding] or '', '[;%%]', '')) if not nopad then row:tag('td'):wikitext(' ') :css('width', (pargs[cfg.arg.padding] or '5em')) end end col = row:tag('td'):addClass('navbox-list') col:cssText(concatstyles({ (k > 1) and 'border-left:2px solid #fdfdfd' or '', 'padding:0px', pargs[cfg.arg.colstyle] or '', ((n%2 == 0) and pargs[cfg.arg.evencolstyle] or pargs[cfg.arg.oddcolstyle]) or '', pargs[andnum('colstyle', n)] or '', 'width:' .. (pargs[andnum('colwidth', n)] or pargs[cfg.arg.colwidth] or '10em') })) local wt = pargs[andnum('col', n)] if wt and inArray(cfg.keyword.subgroups, wt) then wt = getSubgroup(pargs, n, wt, cfg.arg.col_and_num) end col:tag('div'):newline():wikitext(wt):newline() end --- Footer row --- if (#colfooternums > 0) then row = coltable:tag('tr') for k, n in ipairs(colfooternums) do col = row:tag('td'):addClass('navbox-abovebelow') col:cssText(concatstyles({ (k > 1) and 'border-left:2px solid #fdfdfd' or '', 'font-weight:bold', pargs[cfg.arg.colfooterstyle] or '', pargs[andnum('colfooterstyle', n)] or '' })) col:attr('colspan', tonumber(pargs[andnum('colfootercolspan', n)])) col:wikitext(pargs[andnum('colfooter', n)]) end end -- assign table to list1 targs[andnum('list', 1)] = tostring(coltable) if isblank(pargs[andnum('colheader', 1)]) and isblank(pargs[andnum('col', 1)]) and isblank(pargs[andnum('colfooter', 1)]) then targs[andnum('list', 1)] = targs[andnum('list', 1)] .. cfg.category.without_first_col end -- Other parameters targs[cfg.arg.border] = pargs[cfg.arg.border] or pargs[1] targs[cfg.arg.evenodd] = (not isblank(pargs[cfg.arg.evenodd])) and pargs[cfg.arg.evenodd] or nil targs[cfg.arg.list1padding] = '0px' targs[andnum('liststyle', 1)] = 'background:transparent;color:inherit;' targs[cfg.arg.style] = concatstyles({pargs[cfg.arg.style], pargs[cfg.arg.bodystyle]}) targs[cfg.arg.tracking] = 'no' return p._navbox(targs) end --p._withColumns -- Template entry points function p.navbox (frame, boxtype) local function readArgs(args, prefix) -- Read the arguments in the order they'll be output in, to make references -- number in the right order. local _ = 0 _ = _ + (args[prefix .. cfg.arg.title] and #args[prefix .. cfg.arg.title] or 0) _ = _ + (args[prefix .. cfg.arg.above] and #args[prefix .. cfg.arg.above] or 0) -- Limit this to 20 as covering 'most' cases (that's a SWAG) and because -- iterator approach won't work here for i = 1, 20 do _ = _ + (args[prefix .. andnum('group', i)] and #args[prefix .. andnum('group', i)] or 0) if inArray(cfg.keyword.subgroups, args[prefix .. andnum('list', i)]) then for _, v in ipairs(cfg.arg.subgroups_and_num) do readArgs(args, prefix .. string.format(v, i) .. "_") end readArgs(args, prefix .. andnum('col', i) .. "_") end end _ = _ + (args[prefix .. cfg.arg.below] and #args[prefix .. cfg.arg.below] or 0) return _ end if not getArgs then getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs end local args = getArgs(frame, {wrappers = {cfg.pattern[boxtype or 'navbox']}}) args.argHash = readArgs(args, "") args.type = args.type or cfg.keyword[boxtype] return p['_navbox'](args) end p[cfg.keyword.with_collapsible_groups] = function (frame) return p.navbox(frame, 'with_collapsible_groups') end p[cfg.keyword.with_columns] = function (frame) return p.navbox(frame, 'with_columns') end return p
कृपया ध्यान दें कि वर्ल्डपीडिया को किये गये सभी योगदान क्रिएटिव कॉमन्स एट्रिब्यूशन-शेयरअलाइक ४.० लाइसेंस की शर्तों के तहत होंगे (अधिक जानकारी के लिये
देखें)। यदि आप अपने योगदान को लगातार बदलते और पुनः वितरित होते नहीं देख सकते हैं तो यहाँ योगदान न करें।
आप यह भी प्रमाणित कर रहे हैं कि यह आपने स्वयं लिखा है अथवा सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र या किसी समान मुक्त स्रोत से प्रतिलिपित किया है।
कॉपीराइट सुरक्षित कार्यों को बिना अनुमति के यहाँ न डालें!
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