सामग्री पर जाएँ
साइडबार को टॉगल करें
खाता बनाएँ
व्यक्तिगत उपकरण
खाता बनाएँ
लॉग-इन करें
लॉग-आउट किए गए संपादकों के लिए पृष्ठ
अधिक जानें
हाल में हुए बदलाव
बेतरतीब पृष्ठ
मीडियाविकि के बारे में सहायता
पृष्ठ से जुड़े बदलाव
विशेष पृष्ठ
पृष्ठ की जानकारी
सम्पादन (अनुभाग)
सम्पादित करें
स्रोत सम्पादित करें
इतिहास देखें
सम्पादित करें
स्रोत सम्पादित करें
इतिहास देखें
आपने लॉग-इन नहीं किया है। अगर आप सम्पादन करते हैं तो इस पृष्ठ के संपादन इतिहास में आपका IP पता दृश्य होगा। अगर आप
करते हैं या
खाता बनाते हैं
तो दूसरे सुविधाओं के साथ-साथ आपके संपादनों का श्रेय आपके सदस्यनाम पर दिया जाएगा।
ऐन्टी-स्पैम जाँच। इसे
=== Research use === Wikipedia has been widely used as a [[text corpus|corpus]] for linguistic research in [[computational linguistics]], [[information retrieval]] and [[natural language processing]].<ref>{{Cite web |last=Mayo |first=Matthew |date=November 23, 2017 |title=Building a Wikipedia Text Corpus for Natural Language Processing |url=https://www.kdnuggets.com/building-a-wikipedia-text-corpus-for-natural-language-processing.html|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230528034621/https://www.kdnuggets.com/2017/11/building-wikipedia-text-corpus-nlp.html|archive-date=May 28, 2023|url-status=dead|access-date=February 4, 2023 |website=KDnuggets}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |last=Lindemann |first=Luke |date=February 19, 2021 |title=Wikipedia Corpus |url=https://lukelindemann.com/wiki_corpus.html|access-date=February 4, 2023 |website=lukelindemann.com}}</ref> In particular, it commonly serves as a target knowledge base for the [[entity linking]] problem, which is then called "wikification",<ref name="wikify">{{cite conference |url=https://www.cse.unt.edu/~tarau/teaching/NLP/papers/Mihalcea-2007-Wikify-Linking_Documents_to_Encyclopedic.pdf |title=Wikify!: linking documents to encyclopedic knowledge |first1=Mihalcea |last1=Rada |first2=Andras |last2=Csomai|author1-link=Rada Mihalcea |date=November 2007 |conference=ACM [[Conference on Information and Knowledge Management]]|book-title=CIKM '07: Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM conference on Conference on information and knowledge management |publisher=[[Association for Computing Machinery]]|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160218062051/https://www.cse.unt.edu/~tarau/teaching/NLP/papers/Mihalcea-2007-Wikify-Linking_Documents_to_Encyclopedic.pdf|archive-date=February 18, 2016 |location=Lisbon; New York City |pages=233–242 |isbn=978-1-59593-803-9 |doi=10.1145/1321440.1321475|url-status=live}}</ref> and to the related problem of [[word-sense disambiguation]].<ref name="milne witten WP usage 1">{{cite conference|chapter-url=https://www.cms.waikato.ac.nz/~ihw/papers/08-DNM-IHW-LearningToLinkWithWikipedia.pdf |chapter=Learning to Link with Wikipedia |first1=David |last1=Milne |first2=Ian H. |last2=Witten |title=Proceeding of the 17th ACM conference on Information and knowledge mining – CIKM '08|author2-link=Ian H. Witten |date=October 2008 |conference=ACM [[Conference on Information and Knowledge Management]]|book-title=CIKM '08: Proceedings of the seventeenth ACM conference on Conference on information and knowledge management |publisher=[[Association for Computing Machinery]] |location=Napa Valley, CA; New York |pages=509–518 |isbn=978-1-59593-991-3 |doi=10.1145/1458082.1458150 |citeseerx=}}</ref> Methods similar to wikification can in turn be used to find "missing" links in Wikipedia.<ref name="discovering missing WP links 1">{{cite conference |last1=Adafre |first1=Sisay Fissaha |last2=de Rijke |first2=Maarten|author2-link=Maarten de Rijke |date=August 2005 |title=Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Link discovery – LinkKDD '05 |url=https://staff.science.uva.nl/~mdr/Publications/Files/linkkdd2005.pdf |conference=ACM LinkKDD |location=Chicago; New York City |publisher=[[Association for Computing Machinery]] |pages=90–97 |doi=10.1145/1134271.1134284 |isbn=978-1-59593-135-1|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120717054413/https://staff.science.uva.nl/~mdr/Publications/Files/linkkdd2005.pdf|archive-date=July 17, 2012|chapter-url=https://staff.science.uva.nl/~mdr/Publications/Files/linkkdd2005.pdf |chapter=Discovering missing links in Wikipedia|book-title=LinkKDD '05: Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Link discovery|url-status=live}}</ref> In 2015, French researchers José Lages of the [[University of Franche-Comté]] in [[Besançon]] and Dima Shepelyansky of [[Paul Sabatier University]] in [[Toulouse]] published a global university ranking based on Wikipedia scholarly citations.<ref name=mitmining>{{cite news |title=Wikipedia-Mining Algorithm Reveals World's Most Influential Universities: An algorithm's list of the most influential universities contains some surprising entries |url=https://www.technologyreview.com/view/544266/wikipedia-mining-algorithm-reveals-worlds-most-influential-universities/|access-date = December 27, 2015 |work=[[MIT Technology Review]] |date=December 7, 2015|archive-date = February 1, 2016|archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20160201174817/https://www.technologyreview.com/view/544266/wikipedia-mining-algorithm-reveals-worlds-most-influential-universities/|url-status = dead}}</ref><ref name=harvardisonlymarmow>{{cite news |last1=Marmow Shaw |first1=Jessica |title=Harvard is only the 3rd most influential university in the world, according to this list |url=https://www.marketwatch.com/story/two-universities-beat-harvard-in-this-surprising-school-ranking-2015-12-09|access-date = December 27, 2015 |work=[[MarketWatch]] |date=December 10, 2015}}</ref><ref name=wikipediarankingtimesworldunifranche>{{cite news |last1=Bothwell |first1=Ellie |title=Wikipedia Ranking of World Universities: the top 100. List ranks institutions by search engine results and Wikipedia appearances |url=https://www.timeshighereducation.com/features/wikipedia-ranking-world-universities-top-100|access-date = December 27, 2015 |work=[[Times Higher Education]] |date=December 15, 2015}}</ref> They used [[PageRank]], [[CheiRank]] and similar algorithms "followed by the number of appearances in the 24 different language editions of Wikipedia (descending order) and the century in which they were founded (ascending order)".<ref name=wikipediarankingtimesworldunifranche /><ref>{{cite journal |author1=Lages, J. |author2=Patt, A. |author3=Shepelyansky, D. |year=2016 |title=Wikipedia ranking of world universities |journal=[[European Physical Journal B|Eur. Phys. J. B]] |volume=89 |page=69 |arxiv=1511.09021 |bibcode=2016EPJB...89...69L |doi=10.1140/epjb/e2016-60922-0 |number=69 |s2cid=1965378}}</ref> The study was updated in 2019.<ref>{{cite journal |author1=Coquidé, C. |author2=Lages, J. |author3=Shepelyansky, D.L. |year=2019 |title=World influence and interactions of universities from Wikipedia networks. |journal=[[European Physical Journal B|Eur. Phys. J. B]] |volume=92 |page=3 |arxiv=1809.00332 |bibcode=2019EPJB...92....3C |doi=10.1140/epjb/e2018-90532-7 |number=3 |s2cid=52154548}}</ref> In December 2015, [[John Julius Norwich]] stated, in a letter published in ''[[The Times]]'' newspaper, that as a historian he resorted to Wikipedia "at least a dozen times a day", and had never yet caught it out. He described it as "a work of reference as useful as any in existence", with so wide a range that it is almost impossible to find a person, place, or thing that it has left uncovered and that he could never have written his last two books without it.<ref>{{Cite web |date=2015-12-13 |title=All hail Wikipedia |url=https://www.thetimes.com/article/all-hail-wikipedia-l6t9cnhkl5m |access-date=2024-10-01 |website=www.thetimes.com |language=en}}</ref> A 2017 [[MIT]] study suggests that words used in Wikipedia articles end up in scientific publications.<ref>{{Cite journal |last1=Thompson |first1=Neil |last2=Hanley |first2=Douglas |date=February 13, 2018 |title=Science Is Shaped by Wikipedia: Evidence From a Randomized Control Trial |journal=MIT Sloan Research Paper No. 5238-17 |location=Rochester, NY |doi=10.2139/ssrn.3039505 |ssrn=3039505 |s2cid=30918097 |via=[[SSRN]]}}</ref> Studies related to Wikipedia have been using [[machine learning]] and [[artificial intelligence]]<ref name="NYT-20230718">{{cite news |last=Gertner |first=Jon |title=Wikipedia's Moment of Truth – Can the online encyclopedia help teach A.I. chatbots to get their facts right — without destroying itself in the process? + comment |url=https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/18/magazine/wikipedia-ai-chatgpt.html#permid=126389255 |date=July 18, 2023 |work=[[The New York Times]]|url-status=live |archiveurl=https://ghostarchive.org/archive/20230719220706/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/18/magazine/wikipedia-ai-chatgpt.html#permid=126389255 |archivedate=July 19, 2023 |accessdate=July 19, 2023}}</ref> to support various operations. One of the most important areas is the automatic detection of vandalism<ref>{{cite conference |last1=Sarabadani |first1=Amir |last2=Halfaker |first2=Aaron |last3=Taraborelli |first3=Dario |title=Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion – WWW '17 Companion|author2-link=Aaron Halfaker |chapter=Building automated vandalism detection tools for Wikidata |date=April 2017 |conference=International Conference on World Wide Web Companion|book-title=WWW '17 Companion: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion |publisher=[[Association for Computing Machinery]] |location=Perth; New York |pages=1647–1654 |isbn=978-1-4503-4914-7 |doi=10.1145/3041021.3053366 |arxiv=1703.03861}}</ref><ref>{{cite conference |last1=Potthast |first1=Martin |last2=Stein |first2=Benno |last3=Gerling |first3=Robert |title=Advances in Information Retrieval |chapter=Automatic Vandalism Detection in Wikipedia|book-title=Advances in Information Retrieval |date=2008 |volume=4956 |pages=663–668 |doi=10.1007/978-3-540-78646-7_75 |series=Lecture Notes in Computer Science |isbn=978-3-540-78645-0|editor1-first=Craig|editor1-last=Macdonald|editor2-first=Iadh|editor2-last=Ounis|editor3-first=Vassilis|editor3-last=Plachouras|editor4-first=Ian|editor4-last=Ruthven|editor5-first=Ryen W.|editor5-last=White |conference=30th [[ECIR]] |location=Glasgow |publisher=Springer |citeseerx=}}</ref> and [[data quality]] assessment in Wikipedia.<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Asthana |first1=Sumit |last2=Halfaker |first2=Aaron|author2-link=Aaron Halfaker|editor1-last=Lampe|editor1-first=Cliff|editor1-link=Cliff Lampe |title=With Few Eyes, All Hoaxes are Deep |journal=Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction |date=November 2018 |volume=2 |issue=CSCW |doi=10.1145/3274290 |at=21 |publisher=[[Association for Computing Machinery]] |location=New York City |issn=2573-0142|doi-access=free}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last1=Petroni |first1=Fabio |last2=Broscheit |first2=Samuel |last3=Piktus |first3=Aleksandra |last4=Lewis |first4=Patrick |last5=Izacard |first5=Gautier |last6=Hosseini |first6=Lucas |last7=Dwivedi-Yu |first7=Jane |last8=Lomeli |first8=Maria |last9=Schick |first9=Timo|last10=Bevilacqua|first10=Michele |last11=Mazaré |first11=Pierre-Emmanuel |last12=Joulin |first12=Armand |last13=Grave |first13=Edouard |last14=Riedel |first14=Sebastian |title=Improving Wikipedia verifiability with AI |journal=[[Nature Machine Intelligence]] |date=2023 |volume=5 |issue=10 |pages=1142–1148 |doi=10.1038/s42256-023-00726-1|doi-access=free |arxiv=2207.06220}}</ref> In February 2022, [[Civil Service (United Kingdom)|civil servant]]s from the UK's [[Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee]] were found to have used Wikipedia for research after journalists at ''[[The Independent]]'' noted that parts of the [[white paper#In government|document]] had been lifted directly from Wikipedia articles on [[Constantinople]] and the [[list of largest cities throughout history]].<ref>{{cite news |last=Stone |first=Jon |date=February 3, 2022 |title=Parts of Michael Gove's levelling-up plan 'copied from Wikipedia' |work=[[The Independent]] |url=https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/levelling-up-plan-copied-wikipedia-michael-gove-b2006757.html|url-status=live|access-date=February 3, 2022|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20221213080622/https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/levelling-up-plan-copied-wikipedia-michael-gove-b2006757.html|archive-date=December 13, 2022}}</ref>
कृपया ध्यान दें कि वर्ल्डपीडिया को किये गये सभी योगदान क्रिएटिव कॉमन्स एट्रिब्यूशन-शेयरअलाइक ४.० लाइसेंस की शर्तों के तहत होंगे (अधिक जानकारी के लिये
देखें)। यदि आप अपने योगदान को लगातार बदलते और पुनः वितरित होते नहीं देख सकते हैं तो यहाँ योगदान न करें।
आप यह भी प्रमाणित कर रहे हैं कि यह आपने स्वयं लिखा है अथवा सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र या किसी समान मुक्त स्रोत से प्रतिलिपित किया है।
कॉपीराइट सुरक्षित कार्यों को बिना अनुमति के यहाँ न डालें!
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