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मॉड्यूल:Parameter validation
सम्पादित करें
इतिहास देखें
साइडबार पर जाएँ
सम्पादित करें
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पृष्ठ से जुड़े बदलाव
विशेष पृष्ठ
पृष्ठ की जानकारी
साइडबार पर जाएँ
आपने लॉग-इन नहीं किया है। अगर आप सम्पादन करते हैं तो इस पृष्ठ के संपादन इतिहास में आपका IP पता दृश्य होगा। अगर आप
करते हैं या
खाता बनाते हैं
तो दूसरे सुविधाओं के साथ-साथ आपके संपादनों का श्रेय आपके सदस्यनाम पर दिया जाएगा।
ऐन्टी-स्पैम जाँच। इसे
local util = { empty = function( s ) return s == nil or type( s ) == 'string' and mw.text.trim( s ) == '' end , extract_options = function ( frame, optionsPrefix ) optionsPrefix = optionsPrefix or 'options' local options, n, more = {} if frame.args['module_options'] then local module_options = mw.loadData( frame.args['module_options'] ) if type( module_options ) ~= 'table' then return {} end local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local local_ptions = module_options[ title.namespace ] or module_options[ title.nsText ] or {} for k, v in pairs( local_ptions ) do options[k] = v end end repeat ok, more = pcall( mw.text.jsonDecode, frame.args[optionsPrefix .. ( n or '' )] ) if ok and type( more ) == 'table' then for k, v in pairs( more ) do options[k] = v end end n = ( n or 0 ) + 1 until not ok return options end , build_namelist = function ( template_name, sp ) local res = { template_name } if sp then if type( sp ) == 'string' then sp = { sp } end for _, p in ipairs( sp ) do table.insert( res, template_name .. '/' .. p ) end end return res end , table_empty = function( t ) -- normally, test if next(t) is nil, but for some perverse reason, non-empty tables returned by loadData return nil... if type( t ) ~= 'table' then return true end for a, b in pairs( t ) do return false end return true end , } local function _readTemplateData( templateName ) local title = mw.title.makeTitle( 0, templateName ) local templateContent = title and title.exists and title:getContent() -- template's raw content local capture = templateContent and mw.ustring.match( templateContent, '<templatedata%s*>(.*)</templatedata%s*>' ) -- templatedata as text -- capture = capture and mw.ustring.gsub( capture, '"(%d+)"', tonumber ) -- convert "1": {} to 1: {}. frame.args uses numerical indexes for order-based params. local trailingComma = capture and mw.ustring.find( capture, ',%s*[%]%}]' ) -- look for ,] or ,} : jsonDecode allows it, but it's verbotten in json if capture and not trailingComma then return pcall( mw.text.jsonDecode, capture ) end return false end local function readTemplateData( templateName ) if type( templateName ) == 'string' then templateName = { templateName, templateName .. '/' .. docSubPage } end if type( templateName ) == "table" then for _, name in ipairs( templateName ) do local td, result = _readTemplateData( name ) if td then return result end end end return nil end -- this is the function to be called by other modules. it expects the frame, and then an optional list of subpages, e.g. { "Documentation" }. -- if second parameter is nil, only tempalte page will be searched for templatedata. function calculateViolations( frame, subpages ) -- used for parameter type validy test. keyed by TD 'type' string. values are function(val) returning bool. local type_validators = { ['number'] = function( s ) return mw.language.getContentLanguage():parseFormattedNumber( s ) end } function compatible( typ, val ) local func = type_validators[typ] return type( func ) ~= 'function' or util.empty( val ) or func( val ) end local t_frame = frame:getParent() local t_args, template_name = t_frame.args, t_frame:getTitle() template_name = mw.ustring.gsub( template_name, '/sandbox', '', 1 ) local td_source = util.build_namelist( template_name, subpages ) if frame.args['td_source'] then table.insert(td_source, frame.args['td_source']) end local templatedata = readTemplateData( td_source ) local td_params = templatedata and templatedata.params local all_aliases, all_series = {}, {} if not td_params then return { ['no-templatedata'] = { [''] = '' } } end -- from this point on, we know templatedata is valid. local res = {} -- before returning to caller, we'll prune empty tables -- allow for aliases for x, p in pairs( td_params ) do for y, alias in ipairs( p.aliases or {} ) do p['primary'] = x td_params[x] = p all_aliases[alias] = p if tonumber(alias) then all_aliases[tonumber(alias)] = p end end end -- handle undeclared and deprecated local already_seen = {} local series = frame.args['series'] for p_name, value in pairs( t_args ) do local tp_param, noval, numeric, table_name = td_params[p_name] or all_aliases[p_name], util.empty( value ), tonumber( p_name ) local hasval = not noval if not tp_param and series then -- 2nd chance. check to see if series for s_name, p in pairs(td_params) do if mw.ustring.match( p_name, '^' .. s_name .. '%d+' .. '$') then -- mw.log('found p_name '.. p_name .. ' s_name:' .. s_name, ' p is:', p) debugging series support tp_param = p end -- don't bother breaking. td always correct. end end if not tp_param then -- not in TD: this is called undeclared -- calculate the relevant table for this undeclared parameter, based on parameter and value types table_name = noval and numeric and 'empty-undeclared-numeric' or noval and not numeric and 'empty-undeclared' or hasval and numeric and 'undeclared-numeric' or 'undeclared' -- tzvototi nishar. else -- in td: test for deprecation and mistype. if deprecated, no further tests table_name = tp_param.deprecated and hasval and 'deprecated' or tp_param.deprecated and noval and 'empty-deprecated' or not compatible( tp_param.type, value ) and 'incompatible' or not series and already_seen[tp_param] and hasval and 'duplicate' if hasval and table_name ~= 'duplicate' then already_seen[tp_param] = p_name end end -- report it. if table_name then res[table_name] = res[table_name] or {} if table_name == 'duplicate' then local primary_param = tp_param['primary'] local primaryData = res[table_name][primary_param] if not primaryData then primaryData = {} table.insert(primaryData, already_seen[tp_param]) end table.insert(primaryData, p_name) res[table_name][primary_param] = primaryData else res[table_name][p_name] = value end end end -- check for empty/missing parameters declared "required" for p_name, param in pairs( td_params ) do if param.required and util.empty( t_args[p_name] ) then local is_alias for _, alias in ipairs( param.aliases or {} ) do is_alias = is_alias or not util.empty( t_args[alias] ) end if not is_alias then res['empty-required'] = res['empty-required'] or {} res['empty-required'][p_name] = '' end end end mw.logObject(res) return res end -- wraps report in hidden frame function wrapReport(report, template_name, options) mw.logObject(report) if util.empty( report ) then return '' end local naked = mw.title.new( template_name )['text'] naked = mw.ustring.gsub(naked, 'Infobox', 'infobox', 1) report = ( options['wrapper-prefix'] or "<div class = 'paramvalidator-wrapper'><span class='paramvalidator-error'>" ) .. report .. ( options['wrapper-suffix'] or "</span></div>" ) report = mw.ustring.gsub( report, 'tname_naked', naked ) report = mw.ustring.gsub( report, 'templatename', template_name ) return report end -- this is the "user" version, called with {{#invoke:}} returns a string, as defined by the options parameter function validateParams( frame ) local options, report, template_name = util.extract_options( frame ), '', frame:getParent():getTitle() local ignore = function( p_name ) for _, pattern in ipairs( options['ignore'] or {} ) do if mw.ustring.match( p_name, '^' .. pattern .. '$' ) then return true end end return false end local replace_macros = function( error_type, s, param_names ) function concat_and_escape( t , sep ) sep = sep or ', ' local s = table.concat( t, sep ) return ( mw.ustring.gsub( s, '%%', '%%%%' ) ) end if s and ( type( param_names ) == 'table' ) then local k_ar, kv_ar = {}, {} for k, v in pairs( param_names ) do table.insert( k_ar, k ) if type(v) == 'table' then v = table.concat(v, ', ') end if error_type == 'duplicate' then table.insert( kv_ar, v) else table.insert( kv_ar, k .. ': ' .. v) end end s = mw.ustring.gsub( s, 'paramname', concat_and_escape( k_ar ) ) s = mw.ustring.gsub( s, 'paramandvalue', concat_and_escape( kv_ar, ' AND ' ) ) if mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess( "{{REVISIONID}}" ) ~= "" then s = mw.ustring.gsub( s, "<div.*<%/div>", "", 1 ) end end return s end local report_params = function( key, param_names ) local res = replace_macros( key, options[key], param_names ) res = frame:preprocess(res or '') report = report .. ( res or '' ) return res end -- no option no work. if util.table_empty( options ) then return '' end -- get the errors. local violations = calculateViolations( frame, options['doc-subpage'] ) -- special request of bora: use skip_empty_numeric if violations['empty-undeclared-numeric'] then for i = 1, tonumber( options['skip-empty-numeric'] ) or 0 do violations['empty-undeclared-numeric'][i] = nil end end -- handle ignore list, and prune empty violations - in that order! local offenders = 0 for name, tab in pairs( violations ) do -- remove ignored parameters from all violations for pname in pairs( tab ) do if ignore( pname ) then tab[pname] = nil end end -- prune empty violations if util.table_empty( tab ) then violations[name] = nil end -- WORK IS DONE. report the errors. -- if report then count it. if violations[name] and report_params( name, tab ) then offenders = offenders + 1 end end if offenders > 1 then report_params( 'multiple' ) end if offenders ~= 0 then report_params( 'any' ) end -- could have tested for empty( report ), but since we count them anyway... return wrapReport(report, template_name, options) end return { ['validateparams'] = validateParams, ['calculateViolations'] = calculateViolations, ['wrapReport'] = wrapReport }
कृपया ध्यान दें कि वर्ल्डपीडिया को किये गये सभी योगदान क्रिएटिव कॉमन्स एट्रिब्यूशन-शेयरअलाइक ४.० लाइसेंस की शर्तों के तहत होंगे (अधिक जानकारी के लिये
देखें)। यदि आप अपने योगदान को लगातार बदलते और पुनः वितरित होते नहीं देख सकते हैं तो यहाँ योगदान न करें।
आप यह भी प्रमाणित कर रहे हैं कि यह आपने स्वयं लिखा है अथवा सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र या किसी समान मुक्त स्रोत से प्रतिलिपित किया है।
कॉपीराइट सुरक्षित कार्यों को बिना अनुमति के यहाँ न डालें!
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मॉड्यूल:Parameter validation/doc