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"साँचा:Main Page interwikis": अवतरणों में अंतर

From वर्ल्डपीडिया, the free encyclopedia
updated to reflect Template:Wikipedialang's new cut-off point
update description to 50K
पंक्ति १: पंक्ति १:
<includeonly>[[ar:]] [[id:]] [[bg:]] [[ca:]] [[ceb:]] [[cs:]] [[da:]] [[de:]] [[et:]] [[es:]] [[eo:]] [[fr:]] [[he:]] [[hr:]] [[it:]] [[ko:]] [[lt:]] [[hu:]] [[nl:]] [[ja:]] [[no:]] [[pl:]] [[pt:]] [[ru:]] [[ro:]] [[sk:]] [[sl:]] [[sr:]] [[fi:]] [[sv:]] [[te:]] [[tr:]] [[uk:]] [[zh:]]</includeonly><noinclude>
<includeonly>[[ar:]] [[id:]] [[bg:]] [[ca:]] [[ceb:]] [[cs:]] [[da:]] [[de:]] [[et:]] [[es:]] [[eo:]] [[fr:]] [[he:]] [[hr:]] [[it:]] [[ko:]] [[lt:]] [[hu:]] [[nl:]] [[ja:]] [[no:]] [[pl:]] [[pt:]] [[ru:]] [[ro:]] [[sk:]] [[sl:]] [[sr:]] [[fi:]] [[sv:]] [[te:]] [[tr:]] [[uk:]] [[zh:]]</includeonly><noinclude>
This template contains interwiki links for the [[Main Page]].  Only Wikipedias with at least 25,000 articles are included.  When adding sites to this list, please also update [[Template:Wikipedialang]].
This template contains interwiki links for the [[Main Page]].  Only Wikipedias with at least 50,000 articles are included.  When adding sites to this list, please also update [[Template:Wikipedialang]].

[[ca:Plantilla:Portada interwikis]]
[[ca:Plantilla:Portada interwikis]]

०३:१४, ११ अप्रैल २००७ का अवतरण

This template contains interwiki links for the Main Page. Only Wikipedias with at least 50,000 articles are included. When adding sites to this list, please also update Template:Wikipedialang.

ca:Plantilla:Portada interwikis es:Plantilla:Portada:Interwikis ia:Patrono:Altere paginas principal