सामग्री पर जाएँ

"साँचा:TOC right/styles.css": अवतरणों में अंतर

From वर्ल्डपीडिया, the free encyclopedia
do the same thing I apparently did to tocleft much earlier
छो 1 revision imported from enwiki:Template:TOC_right/styles.css
(कोई अंतर नहीं)

२०:०७, ११ मार्च २०२५ के समय का अवतरण

/* {{pp-template}} */
/* The TOC is hidden on Minerva (mobile skin) for width < 720px so must also hide this wrapper */
@media all and (max-width: 720px) {
	body.skin-minerva .tocright {
		display: none;
	.tocright {
		width: 100% !important; /* fix the inline width while at small resolution */
@media all and (min-width: 720px) {
	.tocright {
		float: right;
		clear: right;
		width: auto;
		margin: 0 0 0.5em 1em; 
	.tocright-clear-left {
		clear: left;
	.tocright-clear-both {
		clear: both;
	.tocright-clear-none {
		clear: none;