सामग्री पर जाएँ

अनीसुर रहमान बादल

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Arsait (वार्ता | योगदान) द्वारा परिवर्तित १८:५८, २२ फ़रवरी २०२५ का अवतरण

Anisur Rahman Badol is a versatile Bangladeshi entrepreneur, technology expert, and creative business leader. He has made significant contributions to the country’s digital ecosystem through leadership and innovative solutions in the e-commerce, travel agency, and IT sectors. Additionally, he pioneered the introduction of the first handshake domain in Bangladesh.

Early Life and Education

Anisur Rahman Badol was born in Munshiganj District, Dhaka Division. From childhood, he had a deep fascination with technology and innovation. Through formal education and self-learning, he developed expertise in business strategies, web development, and modern technologies, which later played a crucial role in his professional career.

Career and Achievements

E-Commerce Sector

As a skilled Managing Director, Anisur Rahman Badol leads ARSA MART, a trusted and user-friendly online marketplace for both buyers and sellers.

Travel Agency

Contributing to the tourism industry, he co-founded TourDibo, a travel agency that provides quality services for both domestic and international travelers.

IT Sector

He has played a pioneering role in advanced technology solutions and software development. Through ARSA iT, he has been working on expanding the use of modern technologies and digital services.

Technology and Innovation

Anisur Rahman Badol’s organization is not limited to business services; it also leads in **Domain Name System (DNS) optimization, Handshake (HNS) domain ecosystem development, blockchain-based domain management, and secure automated subdomain distribution technology**. By introducing and marketing Handshake (HNS) domain management in Bangladesh for the first time, his company has significantly contributed to the expansion of modern and decentralized web technologies.

Personal Life and Social Media

In his personal life, Anisur Rahman Badol embodies a blend of technology, innovation, and creativity. He actively shares his experiences and thoughts on social media, serving as an inspiration for young entrepreneurs.