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Worldpedia:Dispute Resolution

From वर्ल्डपीडिया, the free encyclopedia
Arsait (वार्ता | योगदान) द्वारा परिवर्तित २१:०५, २० मार्च २०२५ का अवतरण (Created page with "= Dispute Resolution = Welcome to the '''Worldpedia Dispute Resolution''' page. If you are involved in a content dispute, user conflict, or policy disagreement, please follow the steps below to seek resolution. == When to Use Dispute Resolution == You should use this process if: * You have a disagreement over the content of an article. * Another editor is reverting your changes without discussion. * You believe a user is violating community guidelines. * A policy interp...")
(अंतर) ← पुराना अवतरण | वर्तमान अवतरण (अंतर) | नया अवतरण → (अंतर)

Dispute Resolution[सम्पादन | स्रोत सम्पादित करें]

Welcome to the Worldpedia Dispute Resolution page. If you are involved in a content dispute, user conflict, or policy disagreement, please follow the steps below to seek resolution.

When to Use Dispute Resolution[सम्पादन | स्रोत सम्पादित करें]

You should use this process if:

  • You have a disagreement over the content of an article.
  • Another editor is reverting your changes without discussion.
  • You believe a user is violating community guidelines.
  • A policy interpretation issue is causing conflict.

⚠️ Do NOT use this process for:

Steps for Resolving Disputes[सम्पादन | स्रोत सम्पादित करें]

Follow these steps before escalating the issue:

1️⃣ Talk to the Other User

  • Start a discussion on the article's talk page or the user’s talk page.
  • Clearly state your concerns and propose solutions.
  • Maintain a civil and respectful tone.

2️⃣ Seek Third-Party Opinion

  • If direct discussion fails, request a neutral opinion at Worldpedia:Third Opinion.
  • Third-party editors can mediate and suggest compromises.

3️⃣ Request Mediation

4️⃣ Arbitration (Final Step)

Guidelines for Effective Dispute Resolution[सम्पादन | स्रोत सम्पादित करें]

  • Assume good faith – Other editors may have valid reasons for their edits.
  • Be respectful and professional – No personal attacks or aggressive behavior.
  • Follow Worldpedia policies – Decisions should align with Worldpedia:Content Policies and Worldpedia:Terms of Use.
  • Stay calm – Heated arguments rarely lead to productive resolutions.

Where to Get Help[सम्पादन | स्रोत सम्पादित करें]

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