सामग्री पर जाएँ


From वर्ल्डपीडिया, the free encyclopedia (वार्ता) द्वारा परिवर्तित ०२:३६, २५ फ़रवरी २०२५ का अवतरण (Created page with "{{Used in system}} {{Module rating|p}} {{cascade-protected template|page=module}} This module provides easy processing of arguments passed from <code>#invoke</code>. It is a meta-module, meant for use by other modules, and should not be called from <code>#invoke</code> directly (for a module directly invocable by templates you might want to have a look at {{ml|params|}}). Its features include: * Easy trimming of arguments and removal of blank arguments. * Arguments can...")
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यह मॉड्यूल:Arguments हेतु प्रलेख पृष्ठ है

<templatestyles src="Module:Message box/ombox.css"></templatestyles>

{{#if:{{#ifeq:doc|sandbox|1}}{{#ifeq:doc|doc|1}}||{{#switch:लुआ त्रुटि: First parameter must be one of edit, move, create, upload, undelete, autoreview।|sysop|templateeditor|interfaceadmin=|#default=}}}} {{#ifeq:|yes|<templatestyles src="Module:Message box/ombox.css"></templatestyles>


|tiny = <templatestyles src="Template:Template for discussion/styles.css" />‹See TfM›
|inline = <templatestyles src="Template:Template for discussion/styles.css" />‹The template Module rating is being considered for merging.› 

|infobox|box|sidebar = <templatestyles src="Template:Template for discussion/styles.css" />

|disabled = 

|#default = <templatestyles src="Template:Template for discussion/styles.css" />

}}}} {{#ifeq:doc|doc|{{#if:|लुआ त्रुटि मॉड्यूल:Effective_protection_level में पंक्ति 63 पर: attempt to index field 'ext' (a nil value)।}}|{{#switch:

 | {{#ifeq:मॉड्यूल|मॉड्यूल
   | module
   | other

| module = <templatestyles src="Module:Message box/ombox.css"></templatestyles>

{{#ifeq: Arguments | Sandbox

    | {{#switch: doc
        | doc | sandbox =
        | {{#ifeq:  | true 
            | {{#switch: p
                | pre-alpha | prealpha | pa | experimental = 
                | alpha | a = 
                | beta | b = 
                | release | r | general | g | stable = 
                | broken | br | unstable = 
                | protected | protect | p = 
                | semiprotected | semiprotect | semi = 

| other | #default = साँचा:Error }}}}

<templatestyles src="Module:Message box/ombox.css"></templatestyles>

This module provides easy processing of arguments passed from #invoke. It is a meta-module, meant for use by other modules, and should not be called from #invoke directly (for a module directly invocable by templates you might want to have a look at साँचा:Ml). Its features include:

  • Easy trimming of arguments and removal of blank arguments.
  • Arguments can be passed by both the current frame and by the parent frame at the same time. (More details below.)
  • Arguments can be passed in directly from another Lua module or from the debug console.
  • Most features can be customized.